I have typed out a new program for class and I am unable to understand what it is that is wrong with this. if someone could give me some pointers on getting this to work, I would appreciate it very much. I get multiple error codes!!! LOL
* Determines the value of a collection of coins.
#include <stdio.h>
char first, middle, last;/ * input - 3 initials */
int pennies, nickles; /* input - count of each coin type */
int dimes, quarters; /* input - count of each coin type */
int dollars; /* input - count of each coin type */
int change; /* ouput - change amount */
int total_dollars; /* output - dollar amount */
int total_cents; /* total cents */
/* Get and display the customer's initials. */
printf ("Type in 3 initials and press return> ");
scanf("%c%c%c", &first, &middle, &last);
printf("\n%c%c%c, please enter your coin information.\n",
first, middle, last);
/* get the count of each kind of coin. */
printf("Number of $ coins > ");
scanf("%d", &dollars);
printf("Number of quarters> ");
scanf("%d", &quarters);
printf("Number of dimes > ");
scanf("%d", &dimes);
printf("Number of nickles > ");
scanf("%d", &nickles);
printf("Number of pennies >");
scanf("%d", &pennies);
/* Compute the total value in cents. */
total_cents = 100 * dollars +25 * quarters + 10 * dimes +
5 * nickles + pennies;
/* Find the value in dollars and change. */
dollars = total_cents / 100;
change = total_cents % 100;
/* Display the credit slip with value in dollars and change. */
printf("\n\n%c%c%c Coin Credit\nDollars: %d\nChange: %d cents\n",
first, middle, last, dollars, change);
return (0);