Author Topic: start- all programs_ missing pelles c  (Read 3217 times)


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start- all programs_ missing pelles c
« on: June 23, 2011, 09:06:56 PM »
Hi ,
I knew that would happen , it just magically reappeared. The pelles c "link" was missing from my start menu in windows xp home yesterday and there was no executable file in all programs to run it from that could be found. I found a previously written and saved c file to get pelles to open then. I guess that replaced the start menu shortcut because it is back on there now! I just posted anyway to let you know.
New to c program and it is hard starting. Any helpful pointers ?
Thanks for your input.


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Re: start- all programs_ missing pelles c
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2011, 01:13:08 AM »
The two events are likely unrelated... XP Start Menus always were a little, ummm, flakey?
Most likely Pelles C was/is installed in the user menu not the global one, so depending how you logged in you might not see it.

For starting C ... or for starting with Pelles?   
For the former google up some tutorials and go through them page by page, do all the examples, all the tests, play with them, change them, make sure you understand them before moving on to the next...
If the latter Pelles C comes with one of the very best help files you could hope for... start reading.