The following code in debugger mode - by stepping with F10 will jump from the first if statement right to the last statement while pC not being NULL.
(This code is part of a project ported from VS2005)
int CmmnHandleSelected(tsConsoleCtrl *pC,tsList *pL,HWND hWnd)
tsWndCtrl rWnd;
HWND hWndList;
if (pC == NULL)
pC = (tsConsoleCtrl *)GetWindowLongPtr(ghWndTBCombo,GWLP_USERDATA);
if (pC != NULL)
rWnd = pC->rWnd;
rWnd = pC->rWnd;
// Als beide lijsten leeg zijn, FALSE teruggeven
if ((pL == NULL) AND (rWnd.prRows == NULL)) return(0);