To be precise, it's a Microsoft extension (as are all the TCHAR generic functions, also known as Generic Text Mappings) and that explains why it is also supported in Pelles C

(And now I need an aspirin
To be totally honest, programming the Win32 API using C these days is dangerously flirting with... masochism. I admit I'm a bit of a masochist myself, mostly because I love the C language.
But realistically, very few people do it any more... and even more fewer are likely to keep doing it. Most people use .net for such tasks (what a bloatware!), and the rest are using any of the several C++ wrappers available.
Have you ever tried GTK+? Well, it blows the Win32 API away, and it's also a core C GUI framework.
At first it may seem a bit of a pain to set it up for Windows, but it is actually not. Setting up a gcc toolchain to go along with GTK+ may be a bit more challenging, but nothing difficult really.
Anyway, a while back in my effort to refresh my GTK+ skills (after a very long sabbatical ... that translates to 3-4 years :lol:) I wrote a little tic-tac-toe game with GTK+2 on Windows and if my memory serves me well, I was also compiled it with Pelles C (along with mingw32).
I can try to find it and post it, if anyone is interested in having a look at it.
It's a pitty that GTK+3 is not available for Windows though... it is left in v 2.28, while its Posix counterpart is already in v 3.4+ Same thing for Glade

Still, I find it much more fun (and productive) than Win32.