This is shaping up to another "End of Pascal" experience for me. Near the end of that I was watching Pascal die a slow and awkward death at the hands of Delphi and it's OOP model. A once sleek and very friendly programming language was being buried in a sea of blubber as objects replaced functions and inch by inch the language was forcefully transformed into something less than useful.
Sorry, can't absolutely not agree with your here.
Objects (which had been introduced first with Borland Pascal 7, not with Delphi) is more or less "optional". For anything that isn't Windows/thread related, you just don't "have to" use it.
OOP is IMHO a more general issue all together. As with a lot of things in life, used in moderation, it can be quite beneficial. If you overdo it, you can quickly overdose...

And you need to know what you are doing in the first place. Otherwise, overly complicated OO structures rather obfuscate your code and make it rather less maintainable, to the contrary what is touted as one of it's benefits...
I moved to C to get into a language that produced small, reliable and hopefully fast code... I was not disappointed.
You could do the very same with Delphi (or FreePascal/Lazarus for that matter). And you can avoid of hassle with all the string (resources) stuff for Windows programming, something for which C IMHO is a bit on the inept side...
I personally have never used C for major "application" development, with the exception for a large CAD system, but that was born and designed in Pascal and kept a certain "Pascalish" appearance even after we switched to using a C compiler instead of the long used and venerable Pascal MT+86.
I always used it for small tools, stuff that worked in the background through scripts or system calls or for administrative purposes. For end user applications, I might have been used to the "comforts" that Pascal and BASIC implementations (yes, BASIC, like in Business BASIC or HP/Rocky Mountain BASIC) provide to concentrate on the application more than on the way to implement them...
Now this happens again. Suddenly I'm feeling C fall out from under me as well. Support is dwindling, C is used only when C++ is too awkward for a given task and worst of all, the only real C package out there appears on the virge of being abandoned.
C just hasn't created a lot of buzz in recent years, simply because a lot of folks seem to fall for those Homer Simpson moments...

IMO... Bright's mistake with D was to allow the RTL to be developed without primary guidelines. He just left it up to the Open Source community and got exactly what you should expect when you have too many cooks making the broth. Had he set out some guidlines right up front, it's very likely he'd have a programming language second to none. As it is now, it's being choked out of existence by competing interests and public confusion.
I think WB had a good idea to tackle what Stroustrup did from a slightly different starting point, fixing some of the early shortcomings that showed up in C++. But I think in any way, with an emergence of a lot of highly hyped languages, it just was an "also ran".
But if you look on what actually used software is written in, none of those "buzz of the day" languages show up...
Well, I think we have to be fair here... This hasn't always been the case. Up to about version 6, Pelle was very active on these forums and did contribute very strongly to his own project's success. But in more recent times your observation is correct. It's almost like he's gone on to other things and only visits here when the mood hits. His current lack of interest is plenty obvious and yes it is a problem.
I found Pelle's C with version 4.5, shortly before 5 was released and I can't say that I have ever seen much of him around here besides some "short bursts" when he felt like releasing a new version and shortly thereafter.
I don't blame him for having higher priorities in his life, but he should consider opening up the development of Pelle's C a bit more, I think there are a few folks around here who could help to make this more appealing through faster updates and enhancements in a team effort...
While it's not obvious here I do have some very large projects out there, written in Pelles C. In particular, an inventory package specialized for electronic parts, that I ported over from Pascal in 2004 and is still in use in a few companies. There have been times when I made bug reports and got no answers, then ended up with some pretty ugly workarounds...
Well, I wouldn't have made that switch if I would have been in your shoes at that time. While maybe not that "shiny", you could have stayed in a more familiar environment and adapted to Delphi, with the opportunity to use FreePascal as an alternative (which is after all around for more than 15 years, I know it back from the days when it was called FPK and produced GO32 applications). IMHO for applications like that, a far more economic approach...
However; we should also note that Microsoft is even less responsive with VC++ and the GNU team is virtually unreachable when it comes to such things. For reasons I will never fully understand, the most crucial software in the computer industry --languages, compilers, linkers, etc.-- is most often the least supported.
The last M$ compiler that I used in anything serious was BASCOM on MS-DOS and for a while their Fortran 5.1 and early PowerStation stuff...

I seriously fail to see why they came up with all that .NET fluff and C#/F#/ in the first place (and now apparently slowly go back to C++).
And GCC is (and always has been) a monster that is more of a necessary evil and burden. I get shivers down my spine even thinking about being forced to use it...
I can't help wondering if I've landed on something here...
Or maybe I just don't want to change languages again.
That's up to you, though I would stay and soldier on or "go back to the roots"...
