Sqlite, as already said, is write to compile on as many platforms as possible WIN or *IX (see the code). This is done through strong use of *IX tools that automatically configure the compiler. Moreover the configuration to produce a DLL or a static library is selected defining or undefining some symbols, not simply changing compiler settings.
- What you get to compile is something 'preconfigured' that needs more defs to adapt to your compiler (read SQLITE documentation and documentation inside code)
- Are you able to compile 'as is' on other C compilers? (should be tried before to blame anything).
- For others works because they compile a DLL, as *not completely configured*, not a static library
- You can borrow configuration files to compile SQLITE 3 and 4 from samples made by Timovjl (are somewhere in the forum)
I don't have time to read doc's for SQLite, but you should find time to do it if you want compile it, and it could be usefull to at least take a look at code before copy files and push compile.
Last the internal error is normal with the 'unconfigured' version....