Author Topic: Instructions to use MS standard headers on PellesC  (Read 7945 times)

Offline frankie

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Instructions to use MS standard headers on PellesC
« on: March 30, 2014, 09:46:38 PM »
This utility automatically executes the required setup to use MS header files from SDK-V7.1 distribution.
To use the utility you need an installed copy of MS SDK V.7 on your machine.

The tool automatically:
  • Backup your current PellesC include directory & files
  • Copy MS Headers from your SDK-7.1 installation to PellesC include
  • Patch the headers files.

What you have to do is:
  • Download the tool from this post, create a folder on your PC wherever you like and unzip the tool.
  • Doubleclick the executable 'MS-Headers.exe'. It detects automatically the location for SDK and PellesC installations, if they are not correct you can change them manually using the buttons on the right of the address.
  • When ready press 'Copy Files' button.
  • The process will automaticalli create a back-up named C:\<your PellesC location>\PellesC\Include\Win.BAK with original files. If a backup already exist you will be asked for overwrite.
  • Then it will copy files from SDK.
  • When the copy is complete you will be asked if you want proceed with patching. Answer yes.
  • After patching is complete you will be asked again if you want read the process log. Press yes if you want, it will show a txt file with a list of copyied files.
  • Finished!
Now you can run PellesC and compile your programs ...

For advanced users, you can also specify a different directory for the copy without overwriting the original PellesC Include\Win. In this case you can select the directory to use for compilations changing them globally using Tools->options folders, or locally for a project changing Project options->Folders.

The Patch doesn't mask any warning. For a full detail of patches you can look into the file 'diffs.txt' that contains the modifications in patch format (as generated from diff or windiff).
« Last Edit: April 30, 2014, 05:58:28 PM by frankie »
It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not. - Andre Gide

Offline frankie

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Re: Instructions to use MS standard headers on PellesC
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2014, 04:23:23 PM »
This is the manual procedure (if you want do it yourself):
  • Copy files from sdk to PellesC
  • Get a copy of sal.h from VC or DDK or from here.
  • Edit 'driverspecs.h' in a text editor, start the text replacement box then replace all
    occourrences of "(##__drv_nop" with "(__drv_nop".  Then save the file.
  • Now edit 'ShellApi.h', locate the line
Code: [Select]
//          PATH                    =   c:\windows\system32;C:\windows;c:\;C:\Program Files\Compilers\Then add a space at the end of line and save the file.

10. Now edit 'stralign.h' and locate this code:
Code: [Select]
#define ua_wcscpy_s   wcscpy_s

    __out_xcount("Sufficient length") PUWSTR  Destination,
    __in PCUWSTR Source
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4995)
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
#ifdef _PREFAST_
#pragma warning(disable:__WARNING_BANNED_API_USAGE) // This function (ua_wcscpy) is also tagged as insecure and deprecated
#endif // _PREFAST_
    return wcscpy(Destination, Source);
#pragma warning(pop)
Add inclusion of 'wchar.h' as below:
Code: [Select]
#define ua_wcscpy_s   wcscpy_s

#include <wchar.h>       //You have to add *only* this line

    __out_xcount("Sufficient length") PUWSTR  Destination,
    __in PCUWSTR Source
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4995)
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
#ifdef _PREFAST_
#pragma warning(disable:__WARNING_BANNED_API_USAGE) // This function (ua_wcscpy) is also tagged as insecure and deprecated
#endif // _PREFAST_
    return wcscpy(Destination, Source);
#pragma warning(pop)
Save the file.

11.  Edit file 'Xenroll.h', replace the lines:
Code: [Select]
extern "C" IEnroll * WINAPI PIEnrollGetNoCOM(void);
extern "C" IEnroll2 * WINAPI PIEnroll2GetNoCOM(void);
extern "C" IEnroll4 * WINAPI PIEnroll4GetNoCOM(void);
Code: [Select]
EXTERN_C IEnroll * WINAPI PIEnrollGetNoCOM(void);
EXTERN_C IEnroll2 * WINAPI PIEnroll2GetNoCOM(void);
EXTERN_C IEnroll4 * WINAPI PIEnroll4GetNoCOM(void);

12.  PellesC starting from V.5.00 impersonate itself as _MSC_VER=1100, but miss some storage-class information specifiers, defined using the keyword '__declspec'.
When using standard headers same specifiers (usefull only to C++ and for this reason not present in PellesC) are used triggering warnings. To avoid the warnings edit 'windows.h' and add defines as showed:
Code: [Select]
#ifndef _WINDOWS_
#define _WINDOWS_

#ifdef __POCC__ //Add these 3 lines for PellesC
#define __declspec(selectany) //Add All missing specifiers that you can find

#include <sdkddkver.h>

#ifndef _INC_WINDOWS
#define _INC_WINDOWS
Up to now we are defining the 'selectany' specifier as nothing. This specifier is used in C++ to override multiple constructors/destructors definitions.

13.  You have finished and can start to compile...  8)

The main difference using the original MS headers is the compilation time, this bloated headers requires a lot more time  :-\.
Because MS headers doesn't have the #pragma comment(lib, ....  in many cases you have to specify manually the libraries needed.

This is a work in progress! You will not be able to compile everything.

I have patched some other files thanks to the Timo's list.
This is only a part as this is a work in progress.

There is a C++ class operator on line 353. Comment out to make it work, but don't know if it is usable
//class DECLSPEC_UUID("DBAF6C1B-B6A4-4898-AE65-204F0D9509A1") Mpeg2DataLib;
Line 284 Redefinition of 'Initialize' property due to polimorhism change it to 'InitializeWord'
Line 289 as above for 'GetLength' change to 'GetLengthWord'
You cannot include it together with atscpsipparser.h.
Lines 1422-1427 add space at end of line or surround lines with /* */ comment
Starting from line 2153 change
Code: [Select]
        BYTE            Byte[];     //... table of bytes follows
        WORD            Word[];     //... table of words follows
        DWORD           Dword[];    //... table of Dwords follows
        LARGE_INTEGER   LargeInt[]; //... table of LARGEINT structures to follow
        SYSTEMTIME      SysTime[];  //... table of SYSTEMTIME structures follows
        TYPED_STRING    TypedString;//... a typed_string that may have extended data
Code: [Select]
        BYTE            *Byte;     //... table of bytes follows
        WORD            *Word;     //... table of words follows
        DWORD           *Dword;    //... table of Dwords follows
        LARGE_INTEGER   *LargeInt; //... table of LARGEINT structures to follow
        SYSTEMTIME      *SysTime;  //... table of SYSTEMTIME structures follows
Starting from line 3234 change
Code: [Select]
        BYTE    Info[0];                //... information field.
        WORD    RoutingInfo[0];         //... routing information field.
Code: [Select]
        BYTE    *Info;                //... information field.
        WORD    *RoutingInfo;         //... routing information field.
Line 4846 change
Code: [Select]
      RouterAE RAE[];
Code: [Select]
      RouterAE *RAE;
Requires other file inclusion and a definition:
Code: [Select]
#include <schannel.h>
#include <ntsecapi.h>
#include <lsalookup.h>
#include <sspi.h>
#include <ntsecpkg.h>
#include <CertPolEng.h>
No errors maybe ok by another fix.
Line 85, change
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
#ifdef __cplusplus
Should require DirectX SDK. To check.
Conflicts with 'netmon.h' for symbol 'MAX_PATTERN_LENGTH' redefinition (a completely different meaning and value anyway).
There are alot of problems for this header as you can see here
Line 1020 change
Code: [Select]
#endif      _ST_SRVR_H_
Code: [Select]
#endif      //_ST_SRVR_H_
Line 1047 change
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
#else //MIDL_PASS
Line 1052 change
Code: [Select]
#endif MIDL_PASS
Code: [Select]
#endif //MIDL_PASS
Requires 'time.h' before it.
Line 70 change
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
Line 83 change
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
Line 189 change
Code: [Select]
#endif _DHCPV6CSDK_
Code: [Select]
#endif //_DHCPV6CSDK_
Requires 'windowsx.h'
To be included as first before 'windows.h'
Requires 'iads.h' included before.
Line 137 change
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
  STDMETHOD(Commit)(void) PURE;
Line 266 change
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
  STDMETHOD(End)(void) PURE;
Requires 'shlobj.h'

Comment Lines 114 & 115
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
Comment line 216
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
Line 224 Add comment after #endif
Code: [Select]
#endif __DTCHELP_H__
Code: [Select]
#endif //__DTCHELP_H__
Line 1161 Function polymorphism
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
Line 7832 Function polymorphism
Code: [Select]
        HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetServiceProviderNameW )(
Code: [Select]
        HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetServiceProviderNameExW )(
« Last Edit: April 30, 2014, 12:52:21 PM by frankie »
It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not. - Andre Gide

Offline frankie

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Re: Instructions to use MS standard headers on PellesC
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2014, 05:41:32 PM »
For someone who just want to just test WSDK with separated copy of PellesC.
make these changes to Pellesc ctype.h
/* for compiling with windows.h -- see Microsoft ctype.h */
typedef unsigned short wchar_t;
#include <wchar.h>
#pragma warn(disable: 1058 1063) // <-- add this for MS bugs
#ifdef _WIN64
#pragma warn(disable: 2195) // <-- add this for 64 bit

#endif /* _MSC_EXTENSIONS */
and copy WSDK headers with frankie's tool and libs manually.
It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not. - Andre Gide

Offline frankie

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Re: Instructions to use MS standard headers on PellesC
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2014, 07:20:34 PM »
New version 1.21 of the tool.
Now it backups your installation, copy the required files from SDK 7.1 and patches them.
You can download it from the first post of this thread.
The discussion for this topic is on this thread.

Known problems: sometimes the file sal.h, which is the patch as a file to add, is not created  >:( find a copy below.
When compiling in 64 bits there are many warnings for intrinsic functions not available in PellesC. Will be corrected in next update.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2014, 11:42:17 PM by frankie »
It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not. - Andre Gide

Offline frankie

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Re: Instructions to use MS standard headers on PellesC
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2014, 12:54:25 PM »
Working version 1.25 available on the first post of the thread.
Tested on X86 and X64.
Please report bugs.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2014, 01:54:36 PM by frankie »
It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not. - Andre Gide