No, I'm not and I don't intend to be (familiar).
First problem.
At this point your project is probably a mess.
The compiler flags must be like:
-std:C11 -Tx86-coff -Ot -Ob1 -fp:precise -W1 -Gd -Ze -Go
and for linker:
-subsystem:console -machine:x86 -release kernel32.lib advapi32.lib delayimp.lib
machine can be x64 with Tamd64-coff instead of Tx86-coff if your OS is 64 bit.
Basically must be a console app(-subsystem:console)(the source code has a main()),
with __cdecl calling conventions for functions (-Gd), but it will accept __stdcall
too (-Ze) (Windows APIs), by default POCC is not tolerant with the stdcall, and old
names for C functions are accepted (-Go)(for example the old sleep() instead of new
Now you have two options:
1. hard way: you can play with the current project settings and at same point will compile,
and I recommend you this approach, everyday is a good day to learn something new, but don't
change the code, the code is exceptionally compilable given his length, I don't know if is
a working code, and I really don't care, but for sure you can compile this.
2. easy way:
-First be sure the POIDE is closed, this is VERY important.
-Make a new folder, where, it doesn't matter, but is better in Pelles C Projects.
-Move the source code(in this case maprapimain.v1.0.1.c) inside the folder.
-Right click on file ->Open if the default for C files is POIDE or ->Open with
and pick POIDE from the list.
-Go to Project(menu) and click "Build maprapimain.v1.0.1.c".
The "New default project" dialog will popup, choose "console app", click Ok.
-Click "execute" second toolbar button from right to left;
one message and a error will appear in the output window: first from <unistd.h>
and the error from <winnt.h> "no target architecture", the last one it is really
important (the code mix C runtime with API).
-Go to project-project options-compiler-options
and check "Enable Microsoft extensions" and "Define compatibility names".
-Click "ok".
-Click "execute".
And that's it! Now you have only two minor warnings, deal with them.
Be sure you have an unmodified source code, re unzip the C file.
Second problem.
This is easy, but it only works for projects not for single files( use instead for example
7-Zip is free and good). In the project tree right click on the top item usually "some.exe"
with bold, click "Zipp Project Files...".