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The getc (gets) character command


Cant compile the program in Pelles C only in DEV+  It reports error with "gets"  wants to call it _getch but it still wont run. then it wasnts a Go switch but does not show how to use it. how would this simple program be worded so it runs? in Pelles C _Thank you.

 // demonstrates opening files//

    int   main()
         FILE *fp;   // pointer to point to our file we want to open//
         char ch, filename[40], mode[4];   // initialize variables ch, filenane and mode//
         while(1)  // do forever//
          // input the file name we want opened//

         printf("\n Enter the file name to open:  ");
         printf("\nEnter the mode to use on the file (Max 3 cgaracters):  ");// r,w,a r+,w+ a+//

         // try to open the file//

         if ( (fp = fopen( filename, mode)) != NULL )
               printf("\n Successful opening %s in mode %s.\n",
            filename, mode);      

            puts("Enter x to exit or any other key to continue.");
            if ((ch = getchar()) == 'x')


             fprintf( stderr,"\nError opening file %s in mode %s.", filename, mode);
            puts("\nEnter x to exit or any othr key to try again: ");
            if ((ch = getchar()) == 'x')



Welcome to the wonderful world of C11.

gets() is considered deprecated and should be replaced with gets_s() or better, fgets() instead...


PS: You might try and reconsider your source formatting style, you are programming in C, not Python...


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