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Change valist with an array of args

<< < (2/2)

  I'm back.
The attached uses the CreateArr function you developed which I have been using with no apparent issues.
I wanted to determine how big the array was so I used _msize to find the index count of the array. It reports 2 more than I requested?? Compiled as a 64bit app. Same results with VC .


Hello James
I rewrote the CreateArr function to avoid the use of variable number of arguments, but I retained the original algorithm for array allocation. As I already explained in my previous posts (see above) The code reserves 2 additional elements at the end of the array as a kind of marker.
Now if you look in the code you will see (my comment)

--- Code: ---void *CreateArr(void *a, int elem_size, int update, int num_dims, size_t *args)
size_t s, s1, s2;
void **vp;
size_t *marker;
marker = args;
s = *marker++;
s2 = s + 2; //Frankie: It always allocates 2 elements more than requested
if (num_dims == 1)
if (update && a)
a = realloc(a, s2 * elem_size);
a = calloc(s2, elem_size);
return a;
else if (update && a)
s1 = 0;

--- End code ---

If you replace the line with the following:

--- Code: ---    s2 = s;

--- End code ---
You'll get the correct answer. But... it will broke the multidimensional code!
Moreover you cannot use _msize to get the number of elements, because the dynamically created array is not a standard one when dimensions>1. I.e. following code:

--- Code: ---void DoIt (void)
    AFX_ANCHORPROPERTY  *skAnchor = 0;
        size_t dimensions[2] = {5, 5};
        skAnchor = (AFX_ANCHORPROPERTY*)CreateArr (skAnchor, sizeof(AFX_ANCHORPROPERTY), 0, 2, dimensions);
    printf("%s%.15G\n", "UBOUND-> ", (double)( _msize ( skAnchor) / sizeof ( AFX_ANCHORPROPERTY)));
    if (skAnchor) {
        DestroyArr((void **)skAnchor, 1, 1);
        skAnchor = NULL;

--- End code ---
Will print 1 instead of 10. This is because multidimensional arrays are built as array of pointers to array of values. In the current case you'll get an array of 2 pointers to 2 different monodimensional arrays each holding 5 values. You get 1 because the dimension of the bidimensional pointers array divided by the size of the structure is 1.

Thank you for your explanation. My old brain is not as good at retaining as it used to be :)
Now, would s2 = s work on single dimension arrays only?


Yes it should work, but on multidimensional arrays CreateArr will crash, you will not be able anymore to create multidimensional arrays.


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