Thanks. I am not worried about the actual size of this program; I was just curious, and now I know.
Great tip about memory usage, and file size, Scripter!
Scripter: It is an example of code golf where you try and write the shortest code to accomplish the game task. I am sure this guy knows C inside/out.
I myself use J to compete. It is naturally concise. For example, here is an average function in J:
avg=: +/%#
+/ inserts a '+' between args given to function
% is the divide function in J
# is the tally or number of args
avg 1 2 3
J is very good for mathematics. It is an array-based language. Arrays are its fundamental unit of computation, and it has been open source since 1990 or so. I think only Haskell comes close in how close the programming language models the math equation. It is an interpreted language with a REPL, but it is VERY fast. It uses C libs for BLAS and other numeric routines, and it is very simple to interface to and from C with it.