Hello_World.c test code attached to simply demonstrate the possible bug.
The example of the 'problem' code resides in the MainDlgProc
in Pelles C (win64) version 8.00.60 it compiles and runs without
error. Platform is Windows 7. Three message boxes are displayed
Running the exact same code in Pelles C version 9.00.9 it compiles
without error. It shows the first message box, never gets to the second
or third message box. The Platform is Windows 10 (64 bit).
Run Pelles C tool, Process Viewer, to see and kill off Hello_world.exe
Change all _strrichr to _strichr and it works fine...
p_po= _strichr(p_line+3,':');
MessageBoxA(hwndDlg,"Found it","_strichr BY POINTER OK",MB_OK);
p_lpo = _strrichr("This is a test : where is the colon?",':');
MessageBoxA(hwndDlg,"Found it","_strrichr BY STRING OK",MB_OK);
p_lpo = _strrichr(p_line+3,':');
MessageBoxA(hwndDlg,"Found it","_strrichr BY POINTER OK",MB_OK);