Thanks Algernon_77
Yes I've compiled the amalgamation sqlite3.c into my sources.
Results of Sqlite3.c incorporation (C99 with multithreaded lib and WIN32)
As an initial item Pelles C can't open the amalgamation file in its editor - too big. I use Textpad to see what the error causes were.
I created the executable and it add about 500K to my program executable, which almost doubles
my program. This increase is a bit above half of the DLL size which is 954K.
Compile results are a bit concerning to me though ....
468 warnings
Mostly untyped conversions like: 'Conversion from 'long long int' to 'int';' and others - not overly worried about these but I always resolve all errors and warnings under Level2 compile for my own code.
however there are 6 situations of '=' used in a conditional expression.
These can be 'correct' depending exactly how they are written.
ex: if( (res = sqlite3ExprCompare(0, pExprA, pExprB, iTab)) ) return res;
warning #2261: Loop with no effect removed (any visible side-effects are retained).
warning #2046: Expression with no effect removed.
warning #2027: Missing prototype for 'proc', with type 'int __stdcall (*)()'.
warning #2028: Missing prototype for type 'int __stdcall (*__stdcall (*)(struct HINSTANCE__ *, const char *))()'.
60 warnings #2214: Address of import .... identity not guaranteed. (Probably OK)
115 warnings of #2154: Unreachable code. (Probably OK depends on conditionals as the code tries to cover many compilers and OS types)
Now to see if it actually works . . . .
John Z
Update: Worked! it created the test CARS db without issues.