Since seems to be offline, you can find the Download of Pelles C here in this Forum.
In version 10 of Pelles c I can not return a function from within another function, always get this:fatal error: Internal error: 'Access violation' at 0x00007ff7b3897b6a.This did not happen in version 9. Also I run my program in Visual Studio and compile and run ok.Anybody, please kown how to solve this problem, if [somebody] face the same problem?Thanks
lstrcpyA(szStringC,lstrcpyA(szStringA,szStringB)) ;
UpdateWindow(CreateWindowA(szProgramClass,szProgramTitle, WS_BORDER|WS_CAPTION|WS_SYSMENU|WS_POPUP, 0,0,800,400,NULL,NULL,hInstance,NULL)) ;
lstrcpyA(szStringC,(lstrcpyA(szStringA,szStringB))) ;