Pelles C > Feature requests

Suggestions, Many Suggestions

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John Z:

--- Quote from: CandCPlusPlus on August 09, 2022, 05:46:58 PM ---5. Pelles C defaulting to settings that allow debugging out of the box. I have to adjust the compiler settings to use debugging whenever I install Pelles C anywhere. Not a huge problem but it would be nice for it work out of the box. Though, there could be a reason that it's setup this way that I'm not aware of.

Edit: Whenever I create a new project I need to go to the "Compiler" page to change "Debug information" to "Full" and I need to go to the "Linker" page to change "Debug information" to "Pelles C format". This is all in the project settings. Otherwise, I will get a message about the lack of debug information.

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This is just not true.  The current version of Pelles C out of the box has two modes "Release" and "Debug" just pick the desired mode from the drop down at the top of the project IDE window. 

John Z


--- Quote from: John Z on October 04, 2022, 01:30:20 PM ---
Pelles Does support this warning.  Try turning on Level II compiler warnings.

Example:  if (a=5) {....;} generates this -
C:\Program Files\PellesC\Files\CopyMode\CopyMode.c(47): warning #2030: '=' used in a conditional expression.

John Z

--- End quote ---

It does work. I crossed that off on the list and thanks for pointing that out. :)

--- Quote from: John Z on October 04, 2022, 02:39:47 PM --- This is just not true.  The current version of Pelles C out of the box has two modes "Release" and "Debug" just pick the desired mode from the drop down at the top of the project IDE window. 
--- End quote ---

You're correct. It does work in the newest versions. I crossed that out.

I'll cross off the suggestion for the uncomment and comment toolbar buttons since it's already in the add-ins section.

I'll cross off the suggestions for the Microsoft documentation considering the messy state the documentation is in and the huge challenge in creating offline content from the open source Microsoft documentation.

A possible way around this would be for a tool integrating old Microsoft Help Viewer and document explorer help content into Pelles C (in offline searchable and linkable form). I believe I've seen one on this site somewhere.

Pelles C even gives warnings for out of bounds stack allocated arrays when the warning level 2 is set. There are no warnings for heap allocated arrays and memory though.

This forum is rather quiet and Pelles C isn't well known. Perhaps putting Pelles C on the Microsoft Store would help? I'd still keep the download links at "" because I personally am not keen about the Microsoft Store.


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