Pelles C forum

Pelles C => General discussions => Topic started by: ldalcorso on August 24, 2010, 06:09:20 PM

Title: curses.h
Post by: ldalcorso on August 24, 2010, 06:09:20 PM
I'm using the library curses.h moving the mouse but an error occurs at compile -  error #2138: Too many arguments to 'getmouse' -
in the stretch :
      keypad(stdscr, TRUE);
      c = getch();
      {   case KEY_MOUSE:
          if(getmouse(&event) == OK) <========== here the error
         {   /* When the user clicks left mouse button */
            if(event.bstate & BUTTON1_CLICKED)
               report_choice(event.x + 1, event.y + 1, &choice);
               if(choice == -1) //Exit chosen
                  goto end;
               mvprintw(22, 1, "Choice made is : %d String Chosen is \"%10s\"", choice, choices[choice - 1]);
         print_menu(menu_win, choice);
I am grateful for the help