This program explains how to use
It runs under Windows 10. Could run under Windows 7 & 8 but that's all.
LPSTR GetSpecialFolder(REFKNOWNFOLDERID rfid,LPSTR __lpszResult)
LPWSTR _lpwszPath = NULL ;
HRESULT _hr = SHGetKnownFolderPath(rfid,KF_FLAG_CREATE,NULL,&_lpwszPath) ;
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8,0,_lpwszPath,lstrlenW(_lpwszPath),__lpszResult,MAX_PATH,NULL,NULL) ;
return (__lpszResult) ;
return (NULL) ;
It cleans many folders :
- Internet cache
- History
- CD Burning cache
- Cookies
- Printers cache
- Recents Documents
- Applications updates
- Downloaded files
- Searches
- Searches history
- Downloaded Program Files
- Prefetch
- Software Distribution
It empties all recyclebins
Dism.exe to clean WinSxS
You must run the program wih Administrator privileges.