I am trying to get a very simple app running on WM5. I have successfully built the same project on my XP machine, and it runs fine, but I cannot get it to build as a WinCE app. My code is basically the wizard's Hello World app, with a few added lines to get the value from the SDL_Linked_Version function. I have downloaded the SDL source code from the main website. I have included the "SDL.h" file, and added the SDL.lib and SDLmain.lib to the project options. I also have the Microsoft extensions ticked, and compatibility names. Calling conv is set to _cdecl. I have tried setting Runtime library to ST-LIB, MT-LIB, and MT-DLL (none will build).
I can get a very similar result on the XP version by removing the SDL.lib from the options, but I notice that it says "POLINK: error: Unresolved external symbol '_SDL_Linked_Version'." whereas the WINCE build complains of "POLINK: error: Unresolved external symbol 'SDL_Linked_Version'." There is no leading underscore in the WINCE version.
the code I have added to the wizard's project is:
#include "SDL.h" (at beginning)
const SDL_version * SDL_Linked_Version(void);
int vmj = SDL_Linked_Version()->major;
wchar_t ver[4] = {'V',' ','0'+vmj};
BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);
GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc);
DrawText(ps.hdc, (ver), -1, &rc, DT_CENTER|DT_VCENTER);
in the Main_OnPaint part of the main.c file.
Any help on getting this built would be much appreciated.