Ok will do that later on!
Meanwhile I have managed to handle pageup and pagedown the way I want to.
Now I'm trying to get into edit mode for a cell with a single mouse click. I'd like to be able to edit the contents of a cell after a single click, always. So if another cell is being edited, it'd be best for me if that cell looses focus, storing whatever value is in the edit box inside the appropriate listbox entry, and then starting to edit the newly clicked cell.
However, I cannot really get my head around how things work internally with the notify messages.
Inside Grid_OnNotify() I added "NM_RCLICK == pnm->code", like this (around line 1150):
else if (ID_LISTVIEW == id)
if (NM_DBLCLK == pnm->code || NM_RCLICK == pnm->code || NM_CLICK == pnm->code || LVN_COLUMNCLICK == pnm->code)
return Grid_OnMouseClick(hwnd, pnm);
return FALSE;
After this change, the right mouse button does show the behaviour I want...
Anyone has an idea as to how to pinpoint where to change this?
Actually I would also like to be able to scroll while a cell is being edited, but that might proof difficult, since it would involve moving the edit box up and down. So first things first :-).