Don't know how to move a topic. An administrator is necessary isn't it?
Some additional:
with the command line:
regedit /e PellesC.reg [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Pelle Orinius]you can store the hole registry entries of Pelles Orinius (if it is loacale installed)
you can delete the entries with:
regedit /s DelPellesC.reg where DelPellesC.reg contains
[-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Pelle Orinius]
and after the run of the portable Pelles C, you can restore the old parameters with
regedit /s DelPellesC.reg
if exist PellesC.reg regedit /s PellesC.reg
if exist PellesC.reg del PellesC.regI think, then all is done which is possible.