Author Topic: Question for users of Pelles C  (Read 30426 times)


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Question for users of Pelles C
« on: January 27, 2006, 02:44:46 AM »
What are you people using Pelles C for at the moment?
What kind of coding?
What API's are you using? Just Win32API/C library or some other library like SDL, DirectX, Allegro, OpenGL, etc...?



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Re: Question for users of Pelles C
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2006, 10:24:03 AM »
Quote from: "Freddy"
What are you people using Pelles C for at the moment?
What kind of coding?

We are writing a communication software package in C that is distributed in source code form. That's why it must strictly adhere to the ANSI C standard to be portable.

Pelles C is one of the 6 compilers I regularly chase over our source code to see if it is compilable without warnings - well with only a few warnings :D

It is impossible to remove all warnings on all compilers. E.g. one compiler complains that a variable is "possibly used before being initialised" (which is not true). When you enter a dummy initialisation at the beginning of the function to suppress that warning, another compiler warns that the variable "is assigned a value that is never used" :evil:


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Question for users of Pelles C
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2006, 01:45:36 AM »
When I purchase computer books, research something on line, or try out a new library, I always go for the C language examples, which then get tried out first on PellesC. If I can understand how to do something in plain C, I can figure out how to do it in other languages. As a hobbyist programmer I do not always chose the most logical language to program in, and small languages tend not to be well documented with examples, or books.

So I guess you could say I use PellesC for learning programming.


Ngan Lo

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Question for users of Pelles C
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2006, 05:19:28 AM »
recently i'm just a hobby programmer, doing some game programming stuffs. i dont know maybe i could be a true game programmer someday.

i use PellesC with DirectX, OpenGL. and other library like ZLib & OGG.


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Question for users of Pelles C
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2006, 11:54:52 AM »
I'm a hobby coder
and I hate the .NET CLR, The MFC, and bloated OOP languages (e.g. C++)
So I realized that that using PellesC & the  win32api is the only way to go.


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Question for users of Pelles C
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2006, 06:58:57 PM »
I am a hobby programmer, specialized on system programing and small special t00lz. I normally use the standard libraries, nothing else.

My point of view: Why create a 'complete' win32 application with bloated buggy code in a few minutes, if you can have hours of fun with your pure console c program that will run fast and stable on every pc? Back to the roots, burn Delphi, VB & VC++!


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Question for users of Pelles C
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2006, 09:33:11 PM »
hobby writer
i wrote a bcc lpi for parking systems
it works really good
which surprised me
now im trying to get a cheap handheld to input data
i need a pocket pc

pelles looks good


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Question for users of Pelles C
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2006, 03:56:19 AM »
Quote from: "kobold"
burn Delphi

you don't have to its burning itself now  :|


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Question for users of Pelles C
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2006, 12:27:30 AM »
I'm doing several things, using both GCC and PellesC. My intentions are the following:
. Most of the time I'm coding for fun and education.
. Some projects result in small tools which enhance certain the system and apps, but are used only be myself.
. Sometimes I'm working on my own games, but until now none of them got released except to friends.


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Question for users of Pelles C
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2006, 07:38:28 PM »
Im currently learning C and the win32 API , although I am more
than comfortable with programming these. I am experimenting
with different approaches to render 3D graphics without using
Direct3D , I have most of it working in DirectX and GDI , but I have
a few demo programs that were created using PellesC , its the only
compiler Im willing to use , since its the best compiler I have on my pc
and believe me , I have alot of compilers, since I started out in Java ,
then C++  and some PASCAL (yes I know - it's not as cool as C) , then
finally decided that Im sticking with C and Pelle  8)


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Question for users of Pelles C
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2006, 02:28:27 PM »
I'm a hobby programmer too. I've done a lot of game-related windows stuff. For the last year though, I've also been using Pelles to write code for the Blackberry 957. That's the older monochrome units with the 386 processor.


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Re: Question for users of Pelles C
« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2007, 03:27:58 AM »
I've used Pelles C so far for programming a small game/application for the PocketPC. (Game of Life). It has worked out well. I've only used the basic windows libraries (eg GDI for graphics).

I'll continue to prefer Pelles C over the Microsoft C++ compiler, because Pelles is so much more compact, and it works really well.


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Re: Question for users of Pelles C
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2007, 08:10:50 PM »
I use Pelles C to customize Intellicad (SDS). Mostly for extending the functionality of the built-in lisp.
The performance is exceptional. Great stuff



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Re: Question for users of Pelles C
« Reply #13 on: December 28, 2008, 02:24:14 PM »
I'm a musician leaning to program in C on my own for algorithmic music composition. I chose Pelles C to fit onto my little notebook pc, hitherto having began learning C++ on MS VE. As I was only really using C on MS VC++ and prefer a 'less is more' approach, this seems the best option I've found.


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Re: Question for users of Pelles C
« Reply #14 on: December 31, 2008, 04:22:33 AM »
What are you people using Pelles C for at the moment?
What kind of coding?
What API's are you using? Just Win32API/C library or some other library like SDL, DirectX, Allegro, OpenGL, etc...?


1.) Currently, nothing. My current projects have me mostly in Linux C++/NASM atm.
2.) Normally commercial projects. Last project I used it to design a p2p auth server for an online RPG a client asked for.
3.) Normally I stay with standard Win32API/C when I'm working on Windows based systems, but I tend to hate graphics coding so whenever that comes up I always use Allegro to reduce the amount of time I have to spend doing it. (either that or I'll outsource the graphics design work to someone else).