* linear algebra : Create matrices in c language.
Method One. (see the zip file)
I have try to follow the indication given into the group "comp.lang.c"
At this page you can find some explications on the methods that I have used.
http://www.c-faq.com/aryptr/dynmuldimary.html I have try the two first methods : (array1, array2)
If you find some errors you can write to me.
The list of the examples.
*->r real
add_r1.c : A+B (array1)
add_r2.c : A+B (array2)
*->z complex
add_z1.c : A+B (array1)
add_z2.c : A+B (array2)
Method Two.
I have customized this method in this way :
The size of the row .. of the matrix is into A[R_SIZE][OF] = A[0][0]
The size of the column of the matrix is into A[C_SIZE][OF] = A[1][0]
If you are interesting by this method I can post another message,
with a zip file.
Or you can find some information at this adress.