I must be missing something simple here
so any help would be appreciated
the file referred to in the following code has two items in it
"ADD NEW" and "ADD ANOTHER" ( for test purposes only you understand)
The output to a combobox always shows squares at the end of the text my assumption is that these are the printed version of "\n" "\0" or NULL
The question is how to prevent their output?
info All wchar_t being used
// file is open for read so read file into combobox
c = fgetws(a_line,30,ptrcomboxfile); /* get one line from the file */
if (c != NULL)
comboindex = SendDlgItemMessage(g_hwnd, IDC_COMBOBOX, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)a_line);
} while (c != NULL); /* repeat until NULL */