I have visual C6 code and want to make it run on Pelles C. The problem is it compiles fine but isn't working on Pelles C. And I don't understand this assembler code, I have no idea how it works.
Could anyone explain how this works? Or write anything in pure C which does the same?
static _inline void clipit8 (float f, int32_t a)
mov edi, a
fld dword ptr f
fadd dword ptr fakeadd
fstp dword ptr fpuasm
mov eax, fpuasm
test eax, 0x007fff00
jz short skipit
shr eax, 16
xor eax, -1
skipit: mov byte ptr [edi], al
static _inline void clipit16 (float f, int32_t a)
mov eax, a
fld dword ptr f
fist word ptr [eax]
cmp word ptr [eax], 0x8000
jne short skipit2
fst dword ptr [fpuasm]
cmp fpuasm, 0x80000000
sbb word ptr [eax], 0
skipit2: fstp st