Hallo John,
I have some little problems using your lib:
There is a nameclash with Pelles gdiplus.lib. The two differ in size. It is not clear to me, if they are compatible. I could rename yours, but that is not very nice.
You have not included a matching 'gdiplusflat.h'. So I am looking for a complete set of files.
The project file you have provided do not include the build of the lib or the dll. But that is only an info.
My lib is named GdiPlusLib.lib so there is no clash. It's a while since doing anything with that project so I may not remember things exactly.
The flat API's are part of each set so for example GdipCreateMatrix API is declared in GdiPlusMatrix.h etc, etc.
You will find everything you need in the zip file. There is my lib and the PellesC lib and example projects.
The original files from MS are C++ so I had to change quite a lot as you can imagine, the layout of what things are in which files was my choice as the MS way did not make sense for C.
As far as I know all relevant calls are there.