EDIT: This message was intended for this thread
http://forum.pellesc.de/index.php?topic=4644.0While opininions are opinions and are always respectable, there some strictly technical points that are not opinable.
The theory of programming, the basic meaning of execution module, resources (memory & CPU) and speed of execution are well defined and clear.
The C language, altough it was born for 'system programming' (OS), is independent from a character output or a graphic one. The rules for good programming remains the same.
You can consider that most WIN programs use slow graphic output and bloated GUI interfaces so the effort to develop optimized code is not worth of, but this is a specifica case, the general programming rules remain unchanged.
If your icons shows up slow you can buy a most powerful machine, then the programmers will bloat more the OS adding more unusefull effects that in turn will slow again the machine, and so on....
The beginner should learn a programming language from the ground (whichever C compiler it's ok) to at least understood the meaning of variable name, its address and its value (so don't try to print the variable name as string....
The WIN programming involves the concept of threads, concurrent processes, global data storage, access and synchronization, that are not basic concepts at all.
Everybody want make programs, nobody want waste time studying basic concepts.....