first of all, thanks a lot for Pelles C. It's very impressive! I'm looking for a way to program the Pocket PC as simple as possible.
I don't know much about C, and in general I don't consider C simple, but Pelles C looks so clean and versatile, that I might start to learn C, so that I can use Pelles C to write programs for my Pocket PC.
(Currently I write programs in
Euphoria, which provides a cool "Euphoria to C translator", that -- besides other compilers -- supports LCC. On the Euphoria mailing list it has already been suggested, that the translator also should support Pelles C. That would be cool for people like me, of course!)
However, there is another issue. Windows GUI programming itself is not sooooo easy, and often I only need a console program. Pocket PC has no text console by nature, but luckily,
PocketConsole 1.3 adds this and is freely available.
So my question is: Is it possible to write
console applications for Pocket PC with Pelles C? If so, how? I would appreciate it very much, if you could provide a "Hello world" for Pocket PC console demo program. That would be a perfect starting point for me.
If it's not possible currently, maybe you can add this option in a future release?
Thanks again,