Merry Xmas & Happy New Year everyone!
FWIW, C looks quite strong according to the TIOBE index: keeps leading the chart for the last 2-3 months, if my memory serves me well, while it has never left the top-4 or top-5 over the past decades.
IMHO, a great merit for that accomplishment is due to the embedded systems and the open source Unix & Unix-like communities. Leaving embedded systems out, due to their explicit nature (non-compliance to any standard is pretty much the norm in embedded systems ), Pelles-C never showed an interest in supporting or even partially adopting to anything else than Windows.
Microsoft has decided long ago to abandon C as the primary lang for Win development, in favor of C++ which is still well supported, along side to .net (VS 2012 implements most or all C++11 features, if I remember correctly).
Again imho, .net was Microsoft's "response" to the huge success of Java, in an effort to jump on the train and possibly take over the driver's seat as soon as possible. Their main focus for many years now aims to .net, which has become no doubt a really successful platform among both hobbyists and professionals, although Java keeps its big picture leadership I think (being open source, supported -for a while

- by Google with Android, etc). Rumors (or even facts) have it that Win8 returns to native C/C++ dev, but that remains to be seen.
All these most certainly had (and still have) a huge impact on Pelles C's (not so) well being, always imho. It's quite difficult for a professional or even a serious hobbyist to invest on a C tool-chain that is so tightly bound to a platform, whose creators have abandoned the C language altogether.
See the mingw toolchain for example. It is the only C tool-chain widely accepted on Windows, next to VC. Why Mingw and not Pelles C? Well, imho, because of two things:
1. it is open source
2. it happily marries the two most popular worlds *nix/Linux and Windows
The first one makes it easier to keep the tool-chain up to date (since it is not an one-man project), while the second makes it easy to write cross-platform code, or at the very least it makes it much more easy to port your code, compared to Pelles C.
As it stands right now, Pelles C looks like it has to directly "compete" with VS. A really tough battle (actually a never-win one), even with MS having abandoned C to C90 (with some C99 extensions). There's simply no way for an one man project to compete against any MS project, especially on MS's home platform.
Most people would happily prefer VS's handicapped C compiler over the more advanced of Pelles C, because just for the VS IDE alone. There's simply no comparison between the functionality of VS IDE & debugger compared not only to Pelles C's, but almost to any other IDE on any platform. It really cuts down production time (even in C).
Mingw on the other hand, does not compete with MS. It rather uses MS runtime for providing the Windows developers a much more wider concept: cross-platform-ability. For example Mingw makes it much more simple than Pelles C (and VS) to code your application's interface with a cross-platform GUI. It actually opens widely a *nix/Linux door to Windows developers.
It is not by chance that so many crossplatform IDE's are bundled with the mingw tool-chain in their Windows version. And of course it is not by chance that Mingw has easily overshadowed Pelles-C, and in some cases even VS. Take a look for example on how many different projects are "natively" supported by Code::Blocks, using the mingw tool-chain.
At the end of the day, it comes down to Open vs Closed, and unless the latter is backed up by a serious company it stands very few chances to prevail.
Btw, comparing GCC with Pelles C (or even VS) is somewhat like comparing a convenient store at our neighborhood with a multi-national branded super-market. GCC supports almost EVERY computer platform known to man. The overhead is more than justified compared to the big picture benefits.
All that being said, I certainly do NOT think that C is dying. Actually is the only language I know of that has been always in usage since its birth, 3 decades ago, and I really don't see how and why this will stop happening in the near future. It's not the norm of course, and probably it will never be again, but that's quite different from "death".
Pelles C on the other hand, I honestly believe that it needs a different target group in order to be taken as a serious development tool. Embracing non-Windows C standards too (like POSIX for example) along with built-in support for cross-platform frameworks (like GTK+, OpenGL/GFLW/FreeGLUT, etc) would be a step towards the right direction I think. However, something like that might be too much of a task for just one person.