Author Topic: Moving from Pelles C to MikroC  (Read 6267 times)


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Moving from Pelles C to MikroC
« on: April 01, 2013, 11:04:22 AM »

I kind of new here & this is my first post so please don't let me down :D

I am working on my graduation project & i was tasked to convert a matlab code to C code to be used with PIC 18 Microcontroller later
I started my work on Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 & i was stuck at a point that i needed seriously  to use complex numbers (complex.h) then a friend of mine recommended to me Pelles C....I have to say really great IDE that made my life away easier
Work continued till it is now finished and now i have to port it to the microcontroller

I am using MikroC to compile hex file
I tried to include the header files i used in Pelles C to make MikroC understand what my code mean with no use
Now I have no idea what to do :o
The code should be portable to compile on any compiler & i don't know how to do this
My code is attached to the post....careful because it contain alot of mathmatics :D :D

Can you guys please help me ?
Thanks in Advance
Best Regards

Offline Bitbeisser

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Re: Moving from Pelles C to MikroC
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2013, 08:33:30 PM »

I kind of new here & this is my first post so please don't let me down :D

I am working on my graduation project & i was tasked to convert a matlab code to C code to be used with PIC 18 Microcontroller later
I started my work on Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 & i was stuck at a point that i needed seriously  to use complex numbers (complex.h) then a friend of mine recommended to me Pelles C....I have to say really great IDE that made my life away easier
Work continued till it is now finished and now i have to port it to the microcontroller

I am using MikroC to compile hex file
I tried to include the header files i used in Pelles C to make MikroC understand what my code mean with no use
Now I have no idea what to do :o
The code should be portable to compile on any compiler & i don't know how to do this
My code is attached to the post....careful because it contain alot of mathmatics :D :D

Can you guys please help me ?
You likely to ask in the wrong place for help. This is a mikroC problem, not a Pelle's C problem.

And on top of that, the problem looks self-inflicted. For all I know (I have only used a previous free (and limited) version of mikroC a few years back), mikroC is not (fully) C99, not to mention C11, compatible.
And complex.h (or complex numbers in general) is something that was introduced with C99.
So you wrote non-portable software that is not compatible with the limitation of your intended target system.

If and how you can get this to work is rather something you have to ask MikroElectronica...



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Re: Moving from Pelles C to MikroC
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2013, 10:53:08 PM »
Thank you so much for your reply

I'll try to ask on MikroC forums maybe they recommend something

And thanks again for the great IDE

Best Regards