Thank's Pelle for new version.
PellesC 8 32-bit rc1 debugger crash at start.
Windows 7 SP1 64-bit OS.
Just too big MaxFileSize, it was 1073741824 in xml-file.
WSDK v7.1 uuid.lib
POLINK: fatal error: Unknown kind (0x1510) of CodeView symbol in object 'windowscodecs.lib(guids.obj)'.
When debugging COM code debugger runs to end from first interface call,
except when Show disassembly is on.
Debuggers are unstable, lot of crach?
DbgError2.png from dbginfo.dll Assert error.
poide.exe doesn't open 32/64 bit workspace/projects any more
POLINK: error: Unresolved external symbol '___crt_abort'.