For example exp and sin:
#if 0
f:\PellesC-64\bin\cc -c -Ze -Zx -Gz -W0 -Go -Tamd64-coff main.c
f:\PellesC-64\bin\polink /out:main.exe main.obj
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
printf("sin(3.14159 / 4): expected: 0.707106, got %f\n",
sin(3.14159 / 4));
printf("exp(1): expected: 2.718282, got %f\n", exp(1));
But log, pow, cos, asin, acos, sinh, cosh, tanh, atan are wrong as well.
Also, strtod does not detect "1e400" as float overflow. I admit that ISO C does not require to detect this (contrary to underflow as with "1e-400") but pelles C 32bit version correctly detect it as does Visual C++ and gcc on all processor I know.