Hello forum. I am using Pelles C version 8.00.60.
I am compiling the code below with speed optimizations and Level 2 warnings.
#define UNICODE
#define _UNICODE
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <strsafe.h>
int _tmain(void)
TCHAR test[200];
(void)StringCbPrintf(test, sizeof test, _T("Hello Windows API!"));
return 0;
The warning in this thread's title is given if I use
StringCbPrintf() but not if I use
main.c(14): warning #2228: Unable to expand function 'StringCbPrintfW' inline.
My questions are:
- What can I do about this warning other than disable it?
- Should I use _sntprintf() instead, just for the sake of being inlined?
- Will this be fixed in future versions of Pelles C?