Author Topic: fSDK© - Frankie's SDK for PellesC  (Read 46025 times)

Offline frankie

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fSDK© - Frankie's SDK for PellesC
« on: September 21, 2016, 08:23:29 PM »
To upgrade compiler with fSDK kit download installer from github and run it
fSDK can be browsed on GitHub

- 05/Jan/2019 -- V. (05.Jan.2019)
            - Update dependencies for new PellesC V.9.00
              - Fixed intrinsics
              - Fixed conditional compilation for V.8.00 compatibility
              - Minor general fixes
            - Fixed header xnamath.h
            - Added missing IID's in mmdeviceapi.h and Audioclient.h
            - Added new DXGI's
            - Fixed reference to bthprops.cpl in bthprops.lib
            - Added Backup feature to backup headers and libraries folders
            - Minor fixes and general cleaning

- 11/Feb/2018 -- V. (11.Feb.2018)
  - Fixed header MsHtmlC.h
  - Added WMI Samples
- 12/Feb/2017 -- V. (12.Feb.2017)
  - Fixed header xmllite.h (discovered by TimoVjl).
  - Added XML demo from TimoVjl
- 28/Gen/2017 -- V. (28.Jan.2017)
  - Fixed symbol 'THREAD_MODE_BACKGROUND_BEGIN' in winbase.h (discovered by Grincheux).
  - Added symbol '__FSDK__' equated to the current version in hex (0x00010200), to be used for conditional compilations to discriminate use of fSDK or standard PellesC SDK (where of course __FSDK__ is not defined).
  - Fixed minor bugs in headers and made cosmethic changes.
- 10/Dec/2016 -- V. (10.Dec.2016)
  - Fixed EXTERN_GUID macro
  - Fixed many headers for system include uniformity
  - Minor aesthetic fixes
  - Added Media Foundation demo: capture video to a file
- 04/Dec/2016 -- V. (04.Dec.2016)
  - Added more DX8 headers and libraries
  - Added DX8 Donuts3D demo
  - Fixed some bugs in headers
- 26/Nov/2016
  - Fixed former bugs.
  - Added more headers
  - Added DirectX support for DX8, DX9, DX10 and DX11
  - Added redistribuitable runtime for DirectX 8, 9, 10, 11
  - Experimentally added support and runtime for OpenGL (FreeGlut).
  - Modified Setup for minimal, full and custom installation
  - Added more Directx and OpenGl samples
- 20/Nov/2016 - Fixed some include files.
  - Added more DirectX headers and libraries
  - Added more samples
13/Nov/2016 - Fixed include files
              Added extended support DX3DEx Headers and libraries and also 2 new samples Midiplayer and a directx sample
07/Nov/2016 - Fixed libraries for __cdecl functions and some fixes also to headers
 - Added Ribbon IID's definition
 - Fixed problems for multiple GUID's definitions in UIRibbon.h
 - Added definition <#define __uuidof(x) &IID_##x> in objbase.h
 - Fixed macro IsEqualPropertyKey in propkeydef.h
 - Added Ribbon samples
14/Sep/2016 - Fixed winNt.h and winbase.h headers. Intrinsics definitions should be Ok now.
(download it from GitHub).
- 10/Sept/2016 - Fixed headers, libraries rebuilt fixing problems.

This is a challenging project targeting the port of the last complete MS SDK to pellesC.
The collection of headers is actually composed of 1381 headers. Many of them are a
replacement for outdated headers. The vast majority are completely missing from actual
PellesC is an excellent compiler suite for windows, and includes the most relevant, and
most common headers, enough to compile almost all projects.
But nowadays sources available around make use of functions and interfaces that are'nt
in the actual distribution. This make very difficult to compile them under PellesC
set of headers and libraries.
This installer will made them available in the compiler include\win directory to let
you use them in your programs, including fGdiPlusFlat.h to use GDI+ under plain 'C'.

The setup also installs an Updated version for strmiids.lib (normally available only
from MS sdk) This version contains all MS GUID's at this date.
It installs also the libraries quartz.lib and Ddraw.lib.

You'll understand that I couldn't have deep checked all headers! And even if I can compile and run all my projects I expect anyway problems around.
To solve them I need your cooperation. Check against you projects and report errors possibly with a small sample that reproduce the problem.
I'll wait your feedbacks to fix the package then move it to contributions.

The keypoints of this project are:
    - Compilation speedup:
        - Because headers will be used in a plain C compiler all references, and conditional
          compilation related to C++, has been removed.
        - For similiar reasons have been removed all conditional compilation related to MIDL,
          PREFAST and annotations.
        - These headers will never be intended for MAC & relatives. So any conditional compilation
          and references to _MAC has been removed.
        - These headers are intended for PellesC, so almost all references to _MSC_VER have
          been translated to __POCC__ equivalent.
    - MS compliance.
      Because many sources available have been written for MSVC compilers the headers have been
      'adjusted' to fit MS requirements. Some of the technical problems found are:
        - Missing __declspec(selectany). MS is used to multiply define symbols tagging them with this
          specifier. This creates a kind of a 'weak' symbol that the compiler should ignore when
          multiply defined. Note that the PellesC linker have the option '/FORCE:MULTIPLE' that could
          mimic the behaviour of __declspec(selectany), but, opposed to the specifier working way, it
          will ignore *all* multiple definitions, de facto masking also eventual errors.
          The solution actually used is the conversion of all symbol instances with an equivalent
          This should work well for base types (int, char, float, double, etc), but could be a problem
          with complex types (structs, unions, etc).
        - GUIDs, PROPKEYSs and other complex types that are tagged by __declspec(selectany).
          They are required for reference on each source file that includes the header.
          The solution used is to tie them to conditional definition. The symbols are normally defined
          as 'extern', and instanziated only if the preprocessor symbol 'INITGUID' is defined. Defining
          the symbol in only one source, before the header #include, creates a single instance of the
          symbol while there are multiple extern references.
    - ANSI C compliance.
      Many native MS headers are write with C++ in mind, and for this reason are not ANSI compliant.
      I.e. structs, unions, class, enumerations and global namespaces are all coincident in C++.
      Consider these 2 declarations:
Code: [Select]
            struct foo
                int bar;
            typedef struct
                int bar;
            } foo;
      Under C++ you can declare a variable of type 'foo' indifferently with both declarations because
      the global and struct namespaces are coincident meaning that the type 'foo' will be defined in
      any case, and the statement:
Code: [Select]
            foo mystruct = {0};
      will not produce errors with both declarations.
      But in C, in the first case, the type 'foo' is defined only in the structs namespace (or tagnames namespaces, to be sharp, and because tags are used also from unions and enumerations, the namespace is shared), and the
      statement above will produce an error. To make it work it should be:
Code: [Select]
            struct foo mystruct = {0};
      In the second case it will work for both.
      The solution used is a tweeking of declarations:
Code: [Select]

            typedef struct foo
                int bar;
            } foo;
      The above code defines 'foo' in both namespaces and fix the ANSI compliance  (or at least should...).
    - Porting of C++ only headers.
      Many headers are C++ only, even if their content can be used under plain C. An example of this
      type of files are gdiplus.h, Ddraw.h, etc.
      In the port process of C++ headers to C the helper classes have not been translated.
      Not all C++ files are currently translated, but they are included in the distribution generating
      an error "C++ only header!". If you encounter one you can translate it yourself and then make it
      available, or ask for translation and wait. In any case if the header contains only 'helper' classes don't expect
      it will be taken in consideration.

The installer for new headers and libraries, 32 and 64 bits, are available from GitHub.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2019, 01:31:23 AM by frankie »
"It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not." - Andre Gide

Offline AlexN

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Re: fSDK© - Frankie's SDK for PellesC
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2016, 08:02:28 AM »
Great! Thanks! :)
best regards
 Alex ;)

Offline frankie

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Re: fSDK© - Frankie's SDK for PellesC
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2016, 01:32:34 PM »
Thanks Alex  :)
"It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not." - Andre Gide

Offline TimoVJL

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Re: fSDK© - Frankie's SDK for PellesC
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2016, 03:29:22 PM »
Big thanks to you.
May the source be with you

Offline frankie

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Re: fSDK© - Frankie's SDK for PellesC
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2016, 09:33:01 PM »
Thanks Timo  :)
"It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not." - Andre Gide

Offline frankie

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Re: fSDK© - Frankie's SDK for PellesC
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2016, 06:20:40 PM »
New release.
10/Sept/2016 - Fixed headers, libraries rebuilt fixing problems.
(download it from GitHub).
"It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not." - Andre Gide

Offline frankie

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Re: fSDK© - Frankie's SDK for PellesC
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2016, 02:03:31 PM »
14/Sep/2016 - Fixed winNt.h and winbase.h headers. Intrinsics definitions should be Ok now.
"It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not." - Andre Gide

Offline frankie

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Re: fSDK© - Frankie's SDK for PellesC
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2016, 11:46:10 PM »
28/Oct/2016 - Added Ribbon IID's definition
     Fixed problems for multiple GUID's definitions in UIRibbon.h
     Added definition <#define __uuidof(x) &IID_##x> in objbase.h (works only for interface names)
     Fixed macro IsEqualPropertyKey in propkeydef.h

The ribbon samples shows some of the possibilities offered by the new headers and libraries.
For download go to GitHub
« Last Edit: November 02, 2016, 12:00:58 AM by frankie »
"It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not." - Andre Gide

Offline frankie

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Re: fSDK© - Frankie's SDK for PellesC
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2016, 07:04:05 PM »
07/Nov/2016 - Fixed libraries for __cdecl functions and some fixes also to headers
(polib adds an underscore to any symbol not decorated, so __cdecl functions come with double underscore even in imported symbols).
"It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not." - Andre Gide

Offline TimoVJL

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Re: fSDK© - Frankie's SDK for PellesC
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2016, 11:37:02 AM »
This is so great project, so everyone in this forum should support this.
Test it and let us know what it is capable.

There is some Add-Ins like this to support testing this header set.
Just put pocc.exe pointing to it.
May the source be with you

Offline Robert

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Re: fSDK© - Frankie's SDK for PellesC
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2016, 01:32:45 AM »
Hi Frankie:

Thank you very much for all your work on this project and also for all the help that you have given so generously to the Pelle's C community members.

I have installed Frankies SDK and have had the following problems when trying to build these samples

When building FontControl.ppj from the Pelle's C IDE these errors and warnings occur

Building CommandHandler.obj.
FontControl\CommandHandler.c(96): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
FontControl\CommandHandler.c(96): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
FontControl\CommandHandler.c(96): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
FontControl\CommandHandler.c(96): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
FontControl\CommandHandler.c(154): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
FontControl\CommandHandler.c(154): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
FontControl\CommandHandler.c(154): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
FontControl\CommandHandler.c(154): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.

When building DropDownColorPicker.ppj from the Pelle's C IDE  these errors occur

Building ColorPickerHandler.obj.
DropDownColorPicker\ColorPickerHandler.c(164): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
DropDownColorPicker\ColorPickerHandler.c(164): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
DropDownColorPicker\ColorPickerHandler.c(164): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
DropDownColorPicker\ColorPickerHandler.c(164): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
DropDownColorPicker\ColorPickerHandler.c(173): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
DropDownColorPicker\ColorPickerHandler.c(173): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
DropDownColorPicker\ColorPickerHandler.c(173): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
DropDownColorPicker\ColorPickerHandler.c(173): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
DropDownColorPicker\ColorPickerHandler.c(196): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
DropDownColorPicker\ColorPickerHandler.c(196): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
DropDownColorPicker\ColorPickerHandler.c(196): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
DropDownColorPicker\ColorPickerHandler.c(196): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
DropDownColorPicker\ColorPickerHandler.c(226): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
DropDownColorPicker\ColorPickerHandler.c(226): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
DropDownColorPicker\ColorPickerHandler.c(226): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
DropDownColorPicker\ColorPickerHandler.c(226): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.

When building ContxtPopUp.ppj from the Pelle's C IDE  these errors occur

Building RibbonIIDs.obj.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(12): warning #2099: Missing type specifier; assuming 'int'.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(12): error #2026: Expected an identifier.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(12): error #2001: Syntax error: expected ')' but found 'integer constant'.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(12): error #2161: Extraneous old-style parameter list.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(12): error #2001: Syntax error: expected ';' but found ')'.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(13): warning #2099: Missing type specifier; assuming 'int'.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(13): error #2026: Expected an identifier.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(13): error #2001: Syntax error: expected ')' but found 'integer constant'.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(13): error #2161: Extraneous old-style parameter list.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(13): error #2001: Syntax error: expected ';' but found ')'.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(14): warning #2099: Missing type specifier; assuming 'int'.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(14): error #2026: Expected an identifier.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(14): error #2001: Syntax error: expected ')' but found 'integer constant'.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(14): error #2161: Extraneous old-style parameter list.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(14): error #2001: Syntax error: expected ';' but found ')'.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(15): warning #2099: Missing type specifier; assuming 'int'.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(15): error #2026: Expected an identifier.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(15): error #2001: Syntax error: expected ')' but found 'integer constant'.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(15): error #2161: Extraneous old-style parameter list.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(15): error #2001: Syntax error: expected ';' but found ')'.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(16): warning #2099: Missing type specifier; assuming 'int'.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(16): error #2026: Expected an identifier.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(16): error #2001: Syntax error: expected ')' but found 'integer constant'.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(16): error #2161: Extraneous old-style parameter list.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(16): error #2001: Syntax error: expected ';' but found ')'.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(17): warning #2099: Missing type specifier; assuming 'int'.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(17): error #2026: Expected an identifier.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(17): error #2001: Syntax error: expected ')' but found 'integer constant'.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(17): error #2161: Extraneous old-style parameter list.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(17): error #2001: Syntax error: expected ';' but found ')'.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(18): warning #2099: Missing type specifier; assuming 'int'.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(18): error #2026: Expected an identifier.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(18): error #2001: Syntax error: expected ')' but found 'integer constant'.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(18): error #2161: Extraneous old-style parameter list.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(18): error #2001: Syntax error: expected ';' but found ')'.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(19): warning #2099: Missing type specifier; assuming 'int'.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(19): error #2026: Expected an identifier.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(19): error #2001: Syntax error: expected ')' but found 'integer constant'.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(19): error #2161: Extraneous old-style parameter list.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(19): error #2001: Syntax error: expected ';' but found ')'.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(20): warning #2099: Missing type specifier; assuming 'int'.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(20): error #2026: Expected an identifier.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(20): error #2001: Syntax error: expected ')' but found 'integer constant'.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(20): error #2161: Extraneous old-style parameter list.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(20): error #2001: Syntax error: expected ';' but found ')'.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(21): warning #2099: Missing type specifier; assuming 'int'.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(21): error #2026: Expected an identifier.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(21): error #2001: Syntax error: expected ')' but found 'integer constant'.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(21): error #2161: Extraneous old-style parameter list.
PellesC\Include\Win\RibbonIIDs.h(21): error #2001: Syntax error: expected ';' but found ')'.

When building Gallery.ppj from the Pelle's C IDE  these errors occur

Building BorderSizeHandler.obj.
Gallery\BorderSizeHandler.c(105): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
Gallery\BorderSizeHandler.c(105): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
Gallery\BorderSizeHandler.c(105): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
Gallery\BorderSizeHandler.c(105): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
Gallery\BorderSizeHandler.c(173): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
Gallery\BorderSizeHandler.c(173): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
Gallery\BorderSizeHandler.c(173): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
Gallery\BorderSizeHandler.c(173): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
Gallery\BorderSizeHandler.c(211): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
Gallery\BorderSizeHandler.c(211): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
Gallery\BorderSizeHandler.c(211): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
Gallery\BorderSizeHandler.c(211): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
Gallery\BorderSizeHandler.c(217): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
Gallery\BorderSizeHandler.c(217): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
Gallery\BorderSizeHandler.c(217): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
Gallery\BorderSizeHandler.c(217): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
Gallery\BorderSizeHandler.c(222): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
Gallery\BorderSizeHandler.c(222): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
Gallery\BorderSizeHandler.c(222): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
Gallery\BorderSizeHandler.c(222): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
Gallery\BorderSizeHandler.c(238): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
Gallery\BorderSizeHandler.c(238): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
Gallery\BorderSizeHandler.c(238): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
Gallery\BorderSizeHandler.c(238): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.

Offline frankie

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Re: fSDK© - Frankie's SDK for PellesC
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2016, 03:02:30 PM »
Hello Robert and thanks.
I was looking at the lines you reported, but I can't find a match with sources I have loaded on GitHub.
Where you got these sources? Have you modified them? I can't find a match between the errors and the line numbers (for some lines I found a comment, not even code  :().
I would be glad if you can go again on GitHub and download the whole ribbon demos and try again to compile them.
Be also sure that you have installed the last fSDK here.

P.S. Anybody else have the same problem?
« Last Edit: November 12, 2016, 03:04:31 PM by frankie »
"It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not." - Andre Gide

Offline Robert

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Re: fSDK© - Frankie's SDK for PellesC
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2016, 07:25:23 PM »
Hi Frankie:

I went to here,

as linked in the last line of the first post of this thread.

I then clicked on the Clone or Download button and downloaded the

I unzipped the file and ran the fSDK.exe from the fSDK-master folder. That completed with no problem.

I then went to the fSDK-master\Samples and Tests\Ribbon samples folder and tried to run the Ribbon Samples.ppw and had errors.

I then went to the individual sample files and ran the .ppj project files and had the errors posted above.

Maybe the zip is not updated correctly?

I will try the samples at the link you posted. Thank you for your help.

Offline TimoVJL

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Re: fSDK© - Frankie's SDK for PellesC
« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2016, 07:31:44 PM »
What version of pellesC you are using?
With versions 8 i have no errors in my tests with pocc.exe or  msvc 2013  sp 5 cl.exe.
May the source be with you

Offline frankie

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Re: fSDK© - Frankie's SDK for PellesC
« Reply #14 on: November 12, 2016, 07:45:55 PM »
Robert I'm developing fSDK on PellesC V8.00.60
Which version are you using?
What's strange to me is that the lines where errors are reported have no reason to be, and in some cases it corresponds to comments.
I.e. in case of
FontControl\CommandHandler.c(96): error #2113: Left operand of '.' has incompatible type 'LPCSHCOLUMNID'.
At line 96 of CommandHandler.c I have:
Code: [Select]
        *ppv = NULL;        //ppv is defined as void **ppv;
The error you reported is relative to the use of a pointer of type LPCSHCOLUMNID with the dot (.) operator (instead of '->') for structure access....  :o
« Last Edit: November 12, 2016, 08:05:46 PM by frankie »
"It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not." - Andre Gide