I've heard that Windows 10 _findfirst, _findnext and variants of these for plain ASCII data is broken in latest UCRT.
In Windows 7, with an older PellesC release this works but it doesn't in Windows 10 32 or 64-bit.
Is there a way to make this work in all versions?
I also tried FindFirstFile, no luck there either.
void sScrapeDataFiles(void)
struct _finddata_t dirstruct;
intptr_t handle; // This was originally long, it worked as a long.
//..........omitted portions
handle = _findfirst("*.dat", &dirstruct);
if(handle != -1)
sprintf(buf, "Opening and Scanning: %s", dirstruct.name);
SetDlgItemText(wMain, IDC_STATUS, buf);
MessageBox(wMain, dirstruct.name, "Found", MB_OK); // Added for troubleshooting
// scanning subroutine omitted for readability.
while(_findnext(handle, &dirstruct) == 0);