C language > Beginner questions

Open File Dialog Example


I am experiencing a problem when I use the file dialog from the website smorgasbordet. I do not understand it.
What I first did: I used the program 'as is' and it worked. Then I copied the code my own program, line by line, and got an error very soon.
The code is:

--- Code: ---HRESULT Simple_FileOpenDialog(HWND hwndParent)
    IFileOpenDialog *pfod = NULL;  /* (IFileSaveDialog is similar) */

    // Create the File Open Dialog COM object.
    HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_FileOpenDialog, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IFileDialog, (void **)&pfod);

--- End code ---
The last line here gives two linker errors:
Unresolved external symbol 'CLSID_FileOpenDialog'
Unresolved external symbol 'IID_IFileDialog'
These symbols are in the file shobjidl.h which I included.
In fact, I included all headers as in the sample:

--- Code: ---#include <windows.h>
#include <shobjidl.h>       /* for IFileDialog, IFileOpenDialog, IFileSaveDialog */
#include <knownfolders.h>   /* for known folder APIs and definitions */
#include <wchar.h>
--- End code ---

I have no idea what I am doing wrong. Any suggestions? Would be appreciated...

Hi there!

Just including the headers is not enough, the linker should know where to find CLSID_FileOpenDialog and IID_IFileDialog (they're not exported from the default libraries).
Try adding ole32.lib and uuid.lib to the linker library list (Project Options->Linker->Library and object files), that should do the trick.


A tool for searching GUIDs from libs

const GUID CLSID_FileOpenDialog = {0xDC1C5A9C,0xE88A,0x4DDE,0xA5,0xA1,0x60,0xF8,0x2A,0x20,0xAE,0xF7};
const GUID IID_IFileDialog = {0x42F85136,0xDB7E,0x439C,0x85,0xF1,0xE4,0x07,0x5D,0x13,0x5F,0xC8};

Thank you both.


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