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Expert questions / Re: Error code: -1073741819
« Last post by HellOfMice on Yesterday at 09:14:00 PM »
Try with this program

This is an assembly prgram which does nothing else than about and exit
Expert questions / Re: Error code: -1073741819
« Last post by Vortex on Yesterday at 09:06:49 PM »
Windows 11 24H2 is very new. I started to test it at work, hopefully the next Windows updates will improve this new release of Windows 11.
Expert questions / Re: Error code: -1073741819
« Last post by John Z on Yesterday at 08:50:30 PM »
pocc.exe have problems with Window 11 ?
So test all programs individually and tell results.

Let's be a bit careful - It is not every version of windows 11.  I have been running Pelles C on Windows 11 for as long as Windows 11 has been available.  I have never had any issues with it running C. 

Now Windows 11 24H2 is being pushed out and that is the one that seems to have the issue. 

John Z

We need someone to test poasm in Windows 11 24H2 - it may or may or may not be affected -

Windows questions / Re: Windows 11
« Last post by John Z on Yesterday at 08:44:10 PM »
Vortex, please be sure to note the windows 11 version.  I have been running on Windows 11 for a long time without any issues whatsoever.  I'm just on 23H2, the issue appears to be related to 24H2 roll out.

John Z
Expert questions / Re: ODS
« Last post by HellOfMice on Yesterday at 07:26:09 PM »
Hi Vortex

There were two or three messages wit into one a kind of memory explorer
I like it and made me discover many things.

Kaspersky is running thank You

Expert questions / Re: ODS
« Last post by Vortex on Yesterday at 07:03:56 PM »
Hello Philippe,

Thanks, I downloaded all the three files.

By the way, you can try Kaspersky's Virus Removal Tool :

It's standalone tool scanning your hard drive to remove malware.
Expert questions / Re: Error code: -1073741819
« Last post by alderman2 on Yesterday at 07:01:03 PM »
I searched online to see if others have the same problem. I found a lot about it but several of them have much worse problems, they get a blue screen when they try to play certain games, for example all Ubisoft's games have problems.
Microsoft is aware of the problem and is blocking all computers from upgrading that have certain games installed. I read that many people are waiting for an update from Microsoft so they can continue playing their games.

According to MS, only computers with newer series of Intel processors experience this problem.
Expert questions / Re: Error code: -1073741819
« Last post by alderman2 on Yesterday at 06:55:33 PM »
Hi Alderman2,

Just yet another attempt. Have you tried running the ide in compatibility mode?

Yes, but only pocc.exe.
I got a message that something is wrong, can't remember the message but think it was something about all files having to have the same compatibility.
Expert questions / Re: ODS
« Last post by HellOfMice on Yesterday at 06:55:23 PM »
I have removed Addins except mines, launched CCleaner, WiseCleaner and ZHPCleaner it always is there
I have found nothing on the internet

It is not important, I wanted to be sure it was a virus.
Did you receive my files?

Thank you for your comment

Expert questions / Re: ODS
« Last post by Vortex on Yesterday at 06:50:23 PM »
Hello Philippe,

Difficult to comment. Which applicstion produced this log file?
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