I have four batch files to build a project 1 each for compile, res, and link, then a master batch file to call each file and pass in the required information. It all works wonderfully well from a command window. Creates the program just as the IDE does.
Being so successful compiling and creating the final exe I then added the master bat file to the tools in the IDE. Compile ran fine, the resource builder ran fine but the linker failed with the following message
POLINK: error: Unresolved external symbol '_WinMainCRTStartup' - referenced from '<common>'.
to restate the problem:
When I run the make_link.bat in a command window, not in the IDE, it runs fine creates the exe without any problems.
When I run the same make_link.bat from the IDE Tools menu, it fails for the error.
Searching C:\Program Files\PellesC_V12\Lib\Win64\shlwapi.lib
Searching C:\Program Files\PellesC_V12\Lib\Win64\uxtheme.lib
Searching C:\Program Files\PellesC_V12\Lib\Win64\dwmapi.lib
POLINK: error: Unresolved external symbol '_WinMainCRTStartup' - referenced from '<common>'.
POLINK: fatal error: 1 unresolved external(s).
From the command window running make_link.bat it finds crt64.lib -
Searching C:\Program Files\PellesC_V12\Lib\Win64\dwmapi.lib
Searching C:\Program Files\PellesC_V12\Lib\crt64.lib
From the IDE Tools it fails if the Tool directly executes make_link.bat and if the make_all.bat calls make_link.bat. From the command line it works both when executed directly or when executed by make_all.bat.
weird, strange, but not wonderful -
John Z