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Hi Christian.... I'm on Win7 and did have some issues with the quick reply area. For some reason it would scroll back to the top of the file after every character... forcing you to type blind. It appears to be fixed now... but do you know if this was a Win7 problem or something forum related?
There is no problem with Firefox 3.6.12 on Win7 x64.The last line is always visible and the text area does not jump to the top.
The problem is still there with IE8 on X64 Windows 7 and Vista. When the message length goes below the bottom of the edit box, the message scrolls back to the top of the file after every character typed.Robert Wishlaw
So since it doesn't seem to be a problem on firefox is this an IE8 thing?
It *may* work to add the forum URL to the "Settings for Compatibility View"...