I'm on win7 and goto does what it always has... jumps to a label inside a batch program.
The correct command is CD or CHDIR followed by the path where you want to be.
You will know when it works because the path showing to the left of the cursor will change to match your target...
start a shell...
c:\users\name> _ <--- type CD \WINDOWS
c:\Windows> _
I think the whole problem is that he's just not getting into the right directory.
c:\CD C:\
My bad, you're right, the goto doesn't even work as I wrongly assumed it could.
I was checking the forum earlier from my Android phone, and didn't see the blackslashes and pointy brackets right.
He is not actually changing the directory to his project folder and then tried to execute the exercize4c.exe in "C:\Program Files\Pelles C", with an attempted redirection of it's possible output to the file exercize4c.out.
What more so was throwing me off is that the GOTO command doesn't throw an error message about a non-existing label and unless the exercize4c.exe is indeed in the current folder, I would have expected an error message like "command not found" when trying to execute the file in the wrong folder...