Unless you give me more information about what you did in the sessions that didn't terminate fully, it's virtually impossible to do anything about this. I need to narrow it down.
I know what you mean... I've been trying to figure it out since the last time I mentioned it to you. Problem is I can't seem to find any pattern to it. The only thing I can figure is that something isn't unloading.
What I do is the usual... write code, compile code, test run code... I do my resources externally, and far as I can tell it makes no difference which mode I'm compiling in... gui or console, making a library, an exe or a dll, same thing.
Whatever it is, it's somplace bettween when I click the X on the window frame it ask about saving files, close all windows, actually save the files but someplace between that and exiting completely it's getting lost... Same if I use File-Exit from the menu.
At one point yesterday I had 3 copies of it sitting there. I had to "end process" each one separately.