Hi All,
Pelles c 7.00.355 Win64 on Win7 OS
Project created as Win 64 Dialog
The purpose of my code is to loop count upwards and
update an edit box in a dialog GUI, every 1 sec.
Basically I know that the background thread runs
and counts up because I can use a Dialog Button
to read-to-screen the contents of the global variable.
But I am NOT able to get the background function
to direclty update the Edit Box.
Back when I used MS Vis Stud 6.0 I did this hundreds
of times - you have to use AfxBEginThread().
In Vis Stud 6, MFC it is required that after you
write the data to the Edit Box that you call
but that function gives a error when compiling
as undeclared.
Any help is MUCh appreciated !
======= BEGIN My background function ========
void th01(void* pParam)
int jj;
for (jj = 0; jj < 100; jj++)
//assign jj value to global variable (integer) gx01
gx01 = jj;
//convert int to str and set global buffer (char) gbuf1
sprintf(gbuf1, "%d", gx01);
//write gbuf1 contents to GUI Edit Box (id = 4003)
SetDlgItemText(ghwndDlg, 4003, _T(gbuf1));
//sleep for millisecs
} // end for (jj = 0; jj < 100; jj++)
} // end func void th01(void* pParam)
======= END My background function ========
======= BEGIN code that starts the thread =======
Within the function: MainDlgProc(),
In the section of "case": WM_INITDIALOG,
my code is:
int n = 123;
_beginthread(&th01, 0, &n);
======= END code that starts the thread =======
======= BEGIN contents of Project Status Box =====
Building C:\BU\Pellus_C_projects\Test02\output\main.obj.
C:\BU\Pellus_C_projects\Test02\main.c(231): warning #2145: Assignment of 'void __fastcall function
(void *)' to 'void __cdecl function(void *)'.
Building C:\BU\Pellus_C_projects\Test02\output\main.res.
Building C:\BU\Pellus_C_projects\Test02\Test02.exe.
======= END contents of Project Status Box =====