Not to steal this thread
New to C and just wondering since the most recent candidate is 6.50 and dated Apr 17, 2011
Can we not expect any C11 features for some time?
Kinda feels like this IDE and Compiler has been abandoned
Thing is nobody knows anything for sure at this point...
I'd suggest we not speculate about the project being abandoned.
As Vortex reminds us Pelles C is a one man operation, things have always progressed slowly, although not quite *this* slowly in the past.
As I was saying in the top of the thread, it's been quite a while.
I would really appreciate it if Pelle would drop by to give us some real information.
Given the complexity of compilers (probably the hardest coding task there is) it will be some time before C1X makes much penetration into the market... C99 took nearly 5 years and even now most compilers do not fully implement it.